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The Reasons Gaps Open Up Between Floorboards


In a word, moisture. Despite the fact that the wood on the floor is dead, it will still continue to absorb and release moisture. When absorbing moisture the boards will expand, when releasing moisture they will contract. It is the contracting that causes the gaps.

As humidty changes in an environment, so does the moisture content in the air. This is the reason for gaps between floorboards appearing when weather takes a turn and goes cold.

During winter heating systems are turned up to warm the home and this pulls moisture out of the floorboards making them contract and creating the gaps. In summer the opposite happens. Air conditioners come in to play and moisture is forced in to the air. The result here is that floorboards will expand and any gaps will disappear.




Floorboards need to be acclimatized before being layed. They are exposed to the environment for a couple of weeks to achieve an equilibrium state of moisture with their surroundings. Check out Acclimation for further assistance and advice on this.


Prevent Gaps In Floorboards


When the floorboards have been layed, small gaps will appear. One has to expect this as there is no way to prevent the wood from absorbing and releasing moisture.

Reducing and controlling the affect can be achieved by using a portable air humidifier in the room and regularly testing the floorboards with a moisture meter for moisture content.


Fixing Gaps


One way, and perhaps the most common approach, is to fill the gaps between the floorboards with a filler material. Yes this can work but the issue with this is that a constant level of humidity is required all year round.

If not this solution is inadequate and actually proves to be a very poor answer. Without constant humidity the floorboards will expand at some stage and push the filler out.

Now correcting gaps between floorboards is a very tough thing to achieve. One should expect small gaps and just take precautions when laying a new floor to prevent larger gaps from appearing.




Prevent And Repair Gaps In Wooden Floorboards



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Wooden floorboards have a habit of creating various problems in the home if proper care is not taken with them. The issues can develop pre installing or when actually in situ. Floorboards can buckle, cup and crown. All of which can ruin the appearance and functionality of the floor.

Creaking floorboards can be one of the most annoying things to happen in the home and rank on par with a leaking tap.

Though of course if you do have young ones who have a habit of opening your biscuit tins in the middle of the night, a creaking floorboard can of course be of some use!

The most common issue and problem with a wooden floor is that of gapping. These are small spaces that open up between floorboards.


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