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Examples Of The Hydroponic Moisture Meter
Hydroponic Moisture Meter
Moisture Meter Guide
The complete moisture meter website
Hydroponics is a way of growing plants in water, using mineral nutrient solutions and no soil. Terrestrial plants can be grown using such mediums as gravel, mineral wool, expanded clay and rock wool. It was in the 18th century when researchers actually discovered that soil acts as a mineral nutrient reservoir and that soil is in fact not essential to plant growth. Basically, as long as the necessary mineral nutrients are added to a plant's water supply, that plant does not require soil to flourish.
Advantages of hydroponics
You do not require any soil
Any water can be reused, so a less water supply is required
You have complete control over nutrient levels
No pollution
Very stable growing method mthat gives high yields
Getting rid of pests and disease is so much simpler
Moisture Meter Guide 2010 Contact
Water culture system -
For the water culture system you will require;
Grow tray
pH/TDS/EC controller
Wick system -
What you require for the wick system are;
Grow tray
Air pump
Nutrient solutions
pH/EC/TDS tester
Hanna HI 981504 ph/TDS/Temperature Monitor
This hydroponic tool from Hanna is very easy to setup and install. It will give the gardener a simultaneous display of ph/TDS and temperature. All you do is locate the area you want to monitor, plug the indicator in and immerse all 3 probes. All 3 readings will be displayed by 3 backlit LCDs. The unit is waterproof protected to give it a longer life in more extreme conditions. Cleaning and maintaining the unit is very easy.
Hanna HI 9813-
This hydroponic tool from Hanna is a tool specially designed for use with hydroponics. The large LCD displays the parameter being measured and has a built in CAL CHECK so that you can check the calibration of the unit whenever you desire. You can switch parameters at any time with just a push of the button. Calibration is simple and the battery power percentage is always shown. The multiparameter probe is of fast response. There are even on screen tutorial messages to help you set up the unit.
Harvesting is simpler
No plant damage from pesticides
Disadvantages of hydroponics
Without soil, plants do not have a buffer. This can lead to speedy plant death if there is any failure within the hydroponic system
Pathogen attacks like damp off
Different fertilizers required for different methods
Hydroponic Growing Systems
Aeroponic system -
Spray nozzles
Nutrient solutions
Grow media
A pH tester and a EC/TDS controller
Drip Growing System -
For the drip system you will require;
Reservoir of water
Lines and a drip manifold
A suitable grow tray
Nutrient solution
Air pump
pH/EC/TDS controller
Ebb and flow system -
The timer switches on and the grow tray is flooded. Whne the timer switches off, the nutrient solution is pulled back to the reservoir.
The whole system can be modified to suit certain plants. Rocks or gravel can be placed in the grow tray. One drawback, though, to this system is that a power outage or pump failure can have disastrous effects.
For the ebb and flow system you will require;
Grow tray
Nutrient solutions
Air pump
pH/EC/TDS meter
Nutrient Film Technique -
For the nutrient film technique you will require;
Water reservoir
Grow tray
Nutrient solution
Air pump
pH/EC/TDS monitor
To Care Is To Share
For more information on the above 2 units or any other Hanna instrument check out the official Hanna website >
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